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Hello, everyone! 

I'd like to kick this off by saying thanks, cause if you're reading this, you're likely supporting me in one way or another. I appreciate you very much <3

It's been a while since I have made progress on my webcomic, "The Children of Sombra". Since I finished chapter 2, I've been working on the early pages, just doing some touch up lighting and changing the old font to my current, custom one, as well as editing a lot of the dialogue. It's taking me a while to get through, and simply because it's boring and difficult to motivate myself to do it! But, I promised myself I'd do it before reposting the pages and working on chapter 3. It's all coming soon!

Then what of "Meet the Maddisons"? It falls under the similar excuse; I really want to finish my revisions before progressing on either story. After the next chapter of "Meet the Maddisons", it becomes a quippy, 1-2 pages per update kind of series. Occasionally, there will be longer segments, but it's mostly meant to be fun and silly.

Lastly, when I really have no motivation to do any digital works, I've been working on traditional mediums! Lately, I've taken up making hairbows out of ribbon and painting fantasy scenes. I've always liked working with my hands a lot, and I plan on putting the ribbons up for sale soon, should anyone be interested. I've been told they're pretty cute!

This update, in all, is just me reassuring you that everything is still in's just slow progress! This unfortunately is not my main source of income, so it has to come second to my job. I appreciate everyone's patience and support <3

Thanks for reading!


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This was the first year I participated in Art Fight, and I only wish I had more free time to participate more! it was a lot of fun, and getting art of my own characters in return was such a treat! Here's the art I managed to draw for the event

Character by DarthDawn: Caellin Hawthorne

Character by Dragogy: Buttercup

Character by PaxGallery: Rose Nightbreaker

Character by Evjamaranth: Red Strider

and of course the lovely artists who returned my attacks, thank you so much!!

Kana, drawn by DarthDawn

Kana, drawn by Evjamaranth

Raine, drawn by PaxGallery

Auruto, drawn by Dragogy

I look forward to joining in Art Fight next year as well, with more time to really crank out more OC art! I'm also going to work on getting more of my OCs up on the website as well

not gonna lie I kinda joined in art fight at the last second and was very ill prepared

See y'all next time!
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Are you ready to meet the cunning, genius, wealthy, and very exceptional maddison family?

Meet the Maddisons is a fantasy/slice-of-life webcomic series about a demonic couple, Malux and Zyphos, who stive to become the wealthiest people on all of Sombra. There is Zyphos, the brains of the whole operation, and Malux, the one who usually has to fix the aftermath of his husband's crazed schemes.

As they build up their livelihoods in the kingdom of Galilei, the Maddison family grows, enemies are made, and Zyphos summons a lot of demons out of a bathtub. Join in the fun on August 26th, where you can read the first episode for free right here, or on Webtoon and Tapas. of course, you can read the episode two weeks early by becoming a member on our Kofi!

malux and zyphos on the couch surrounded by gold meet the maddisons webcomic cover
They're truly exceptional

We hope to see you there!

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2022-2024 Kirin Creates

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